
Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board(BCECE)!

BCECE has invited application from all eligible candidates for admission in Medical colleges of Bihar. The application form can be purchased from all the medical colleges of Bihar and other designated sellers from 27 Dec 2011 onward on the payment of Rs 670.00 for General and Rs. 340.00 for SC/ST. 


AIPMT Admission Notice issued by CBSE for the year of 2012 test.

After lots of noise for centralized single test for all the medical colleges in India  to multiple test and  lastly CBSE announced that they will conduct the AIPMT only for the 15%  all India seats during the year 2012.They have invited online application for AIPM/ Pre-dental  test for admission to 15% of the total seats for Medical/Dental Courses in all Medical/Dental Colleges run by the Union of India, State Governments, Municipal and other local authorities in India except in the States of ANDHRA PRADESH and JAMMU & KASHMIR.the online application can be filled without late fee up to 25 Jan 2012 and with late fee 24 Feb 2012and  test will be conducted on:

Preliminary test:         01 Apr 2012
Final Test:                   13 May 2012

For detail click here
How to apply on line
Click to download information booklet


How to restore backed up data in Vb.net application database? Vb.Net Computer programming Code for beginners

In my previous post  I have written about the VB.Net code for taking back up from an application database. Knowing the way for restoring the backed up data in a database in as important as taking  backup. And action in both the case is opposite to each others. In backup we copy the data from an application database to other directory or folder of a computer where in restoring, we are copy the data from that folder or directory to application database. For better understanding of these type of vb.net code or database related inquiry the book written by Mike Murach is very good book which is available on amazon with free shipping charge, I will suggest one can be refer


How to connect Samsung mobile with computer for surfing internet?

Using Samsung Mobile as a modem for surfing internet by connecting the mobile with laptop or PC is very easy and also very handy.  if you like to buy Samsung Mobile you can even online from any reputable online vendors like Amazon or Flipkart as they have lots of offers like free shipping and 30 days return policy.All  you  need to establish internet connection are:
  • Samsung mobile phone with GPRS Setting fully installed in your mobile.
  • Samsung PC Suite.
  • Data Cable


How to take backup from a database? Vb.net computer programming code for beginners

Taking backup from a database  in data management system is very important as the data which we are generating in our daily use of a software is required to be safely backed up to avoid loss of data due to break down of computer by any reasons, like virus attack, or software/ hardware breakdown.For better understanding of these type of vb.net code or database related inquiry the book written by Donald E Knuth Bible of Computer programming is very great book which is available on amazon with free shipping charge, I will suggest one can  refer


Which are the reserved keyword in Vb.net programming? Vb.Net for beginners

Which are the reserved keyword in Vb.net programming? the beginners must know it. There are some words in each programming languages which are kept as reserve for that particular language and programmers are not advised to use such key word in naming the database field or a variables. if it is used then it will create problems in compiling and will give error message. 


Bihar Matric and Intermediate Result 2013 !

Obtain your Bihar Matric or Intermediate Result. The Bihar School Examination Board has launched their new web site and all the result now will be available  on this new site. Beside result one can also view other various type of information like


How to validate Email in a text box? Vb.Net code for beginner

To check whether user is entering a valid email  format or not. We need to write a vb.net code , which  is very simple and also easy. To show this I will create a function to check the entry made by user.For better understanding of these type of vb.net code or database related inquiry the book written by Mike Murach is very good book which is available on amazon with free shipping charge, I will suggest one can  refer


How to trace out your lost mobile? A true story.

How to trace out a lost mobile set? I have got back my lost mobile withing two weeks of time. In the first week of November, I have forget my mobile in a apparel shop in Silvassa and after two hours of lost,  I realized that I have forgotten my mobile some where so I started recollecting the event then I recollected that I have forgotten it in a apparel shop which very famous in Silvassa town.


how to download Admit card for UP Police Sub-Inspector recruitment test?

The UP Police Sub-Inspector recruitment Test which is schedule to be held on 11 Dec 2011 at 1400 hrs to 1600 hrs at various examination centers.

As per information, the admit card for all eligible personnel have been sent and those who have not received the same can download their Admit Card from the official web site of  UP Police Recruitment and promotion board Lucknow.

 It is relevant to mention here that all those who are downloading their admit card for above test are required to bring photo identity card with them and without photo identity card the admit card will not be valid

How to get admission in Medical Colleges under Manipal University?

Admission in Medical College under the Manipal University, one of the premier educational institute of India, which provides various technical and non technical diploma, under graduates and post graduate courses . The Admission for MBBS is open and one who wants to get admission in various colleges of The Manipal university can now apply on line or off line by purchasing application form from the various notified banks.

It is relevant to mentioned here that admission in the Manipal university can only be had through examination test only and their is no paid seat in this university, so applicants should be careful for any claim made by any agents 


How to Know the rejected list of candidates in Bihar TET test?

Bihar Board has published and uploaded the rejected list of candidates for  Bihar teacher eligibility test and same can be had from the official site of  Bihar school examination board Patna  www.Biharboard.net.


How much disk space require for a website ? a rough calculation

click hereNow days many individuals who are  either for  business promotion or for  blogging , they opting to have their own website. So I have tried to give here a rough calculation which willhelp you  at the time of deciding "how much disk space" one need to take for his website because  web hosting charge price is determined on the disk space.There are some free web hosting site but they will not give much freedom to do  with data storage on website. 

What & How